Elizabeth Hazel, an awkward eighteen-year-old from New York, discovers that she is the key to saving the magical realm of Ellon. Transported through a mystical portal, Elizabeth embarks on a treacherous quest to defeat an ancient dragon and free Ellon from the clutches of a vengeful queen. With the help of Hawkin, a dashing companion, she must overcome her deepest fears and prove that courage and friendship are the true sources of power. Along the way, Elizabeth confronts deadly monsters, navigates enchanted forests, and ultimately learns that confidence is something earned through action, not inherent at birth.
Elizabeth Hazel and the Day of Destiny offers a richly imagined realm complete with dangerous creatures, towering castles, and heart-pounding action. At its core, the film is a story about self-discovery, growth, and the inner strength we all possess, wrapped in a high-stakes adventure that will resonate with young adult audiences and fantasy lovers alike.
2019 Official Selection for the Highlands Film Festival
2017 winner of the Creative World Awards "Creative Concept"
2017 Official Selection for the Orlando Film Festival
2017 Honorable Mention for the Los Angeles Movie Awards
Katie Humphrey
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